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Today was the day of reckoning, the moment of truth. It felt like judgment day for Daniel, as he took quavering steps toward the department board. Halfway through the distance, he could hear his throbbing gut. It seemed as though, there was a loud concert being hosted in anticipation of his doom. With a face dipped in gloom and thoughts meant to consume, he staggered towards the inevitable, a fool anticipating his ruin. 

Four years of drinks, drugs and juvenile delinquency. How did this happen?

A sweat broke out on his brow as he stood in wait while his coursemates eagerly checked theirs. Surrounded by shouts of jubilation, a tear of trepidation made a prison break from his eyes.

How did this happen?

How did he get lost in the distractions? How could he have bought the false truths? that, he did not need an education. You only live once, so you should spend most of it in chaos.

He said a silent prayer as he scanned for his name. He hoped the point at which he had found his way back was not already late. He hoped Consequence hadn't come to collect her debt, yet.

His eyes, like faithful Judas, hurriedly scanned the failed section of the scoreboard, but he couldn't find his name. He tried a second time, and in that moment, he knew. He knew he had been gifted a second chance.

A second tear escaped his eyes, but this one different from the first.